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15 Professional Cleaning Hacks that Will Make Your Home Look 5-Star.

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Spring cleaning may seem overwhelming, but it doesn't have be. These 15 cleaning hacks will make your home seem like a 5-star hotel. Baking soda is an easy way to clean textured surfaces. You can also make your own allpurpose cleaner by mixing vinegar and water. These tips and tricks are sure to make cleaning your home easier! Keep reading to learn how you can make your own all purpose cleaner.

15 cleaning tricks to make your home feel 5-star.

The best hotels have pristine lobbies that are clutter-free and clean. They don't have too much stuff but have an elegant and welcoming feel. Your home can feel like a 5-star hotel by focusing on a few details. These 15 professional cleaning tips will make your home feel like a 5-star hotel.

Natural ways to clean textured surfaces

Textured surfaces can be tricky to clean due to the texture of them. Traditional cleaning methods can also cause damage to textured surfaces. Make a paste using baking soda and water. Rub it on the surface with a soft sponge or cloth. To remove the baking soda, mix one part vinegar with two parts water after it has dried. The vinegar solution can fizz when it is in contact with baking soda. It will then act as an natural cleaner.

Baking soda can be used as a scrubber

Baking soda, when used as an effective scrubbing agent can replace many of the more expensive cleaning products. The abrasive qualities of baking soda make it an ideal cleaning ingredient. This type is not recommended to scrub surfaces that are likely to be scratched like glass, stainless, steel, wood, or marble. Baking soda paste can also leave behind debris.

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Citrus fruits can be used as a natural scrubber

Combine citrus fruits with basic cleaning materials and they can be a powerful natural scrubber. Citrus fruits are rich in d-limonene which is a natural solvent that cuts through grease and dirt, leaving behind a fresh smell. Use citrus fruits as a scrubbing agent when cleaning bathrooms, kitchens, or shower floors. Instead of using harsh chemicals or bleach, use citrus cleaners.


Are there any easy ways to get rid of stains?

Food residues are often responsible for staining. You can get rid of them by soaking the affected area in water. You will see the stain disappear into the water.

Baking soda is also a good option to absorb the stain. Rub some baking soda onto the stain and then rub it with your fingertips until it disappears.

How long does it take for my house to be cleaned up after I move in?

It all depends on the size of your house and the amount work that is needed. You can expect to spend approximately two hours cleaning a small apartment that has very little furniture before you move out.

If you have a large family home you can easily spend more time cleaning.

Cleansing a one-bedroom apartment typically takes four hours. Cleaning a 5-bedroom house could take between 8 and 12 hours.

What's the best way to clean your house?

This is the best way to go. You should start with the living room, then move on to the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, and finally the garage.

Do gloves need to be worn while I clean?

When cleaning, gloves should be worn. Gloves protect your hands against getting cut and dirty. Gloves prevent germs from spreading.

Is it a good idea to clean before the cleaner arrives?

If you decide to clean before a cleaner comes, make sure you have a plan B. It is possible for a cleaning service to come and clean up your place, but they may not know what to do because you didn't plan ahead.

This is the best way to avoid it. This could include a complete list of rooms, furniture as well floors and carpets. It is important to have a checklist for each item.

Consider how long it takes to do these tasks. For example, if you have a large living room, you might choose to focus on the carpet first, followed by the walls, then the floor.

You should have a time estimate and stick to it. If you don’t have a time estimate for each task, the cleaners may leave the job after they finish half.

Most of the time, when hiring someone to clean our home we don’t give them any direction. We expect them to figure out where to go based on their experience.

This is why it is so important to make a detailed inventory of the areas, tasks, timelines, and other details. By creating a detailed plan, you ensure that the cleaners have everything they need to perform the job properly.


  • The best-paid 10 percent make $34,000, while the lowest-paid 10 percent make $26,000. (zippia.com)
  • You must see the house in question when estimating all private house cleaning jobs, according to Cleaning 4 Profit. (freshbooks.com)
  • Add 33 percent on top of your cost. (freshbooks.com)
  • You can estimate that payroll taxes will cost 18 percent of your labor cost, according to Cleaning 4 Profit. (freshbooks.com)

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How To

How to clean a carpet that is stained

Cleaning a dirty carpet is one of those things you just don't want to do yourself. It's messy, takes forever, and if you're not careful, your whole house could end up smelling like a pet shop. However, there are ways that you can make it easier to clean your carpet than just getting rid of the stain.

Here are some tips that will help you clean your carpets at house:

  1. Use only high-quality cleaners. You should always test the product before using it on any surface, including carpets. If you use a cheap cleaner, you might damage your carpet.
  2. Make sure you have a spout on your bucket so that the solution can be easily poured into the carpet.
  3. Let the solution dry on the carpet before you vacuum. You won't accidentally absorb the solution while vacuuming.
  4. You should rinse out the bucket every time you use it. If you don't, you won't be able to tell what chemicals were used for cleaning your carpet.
  5. Once you're done, rinse the bucket and throw it in the garbage. You should not pour it down the toilet as this could cause clogs.
  6. Cleaners should never be left out in the sunlight. They will evaporate eventually and leave behind an unpleasant odour.
  7. While you are cleaning, keep your pets out of the area. Pets can inhale chemicals and rub the carpet against their skin, causing dirt to stick to it.
  8. Take care when lifting up the carpet. It doesn't need to be ripped.
  9. Avoid using a steam mop. Steam mop tend to be expensive and require lots of maintenance.
  10. Instead, you can use a dry-dry vacuum. These types of vacuums work well for removing dirt and debris from carpets.
  11. If you still have stubborn spots left over, consider hiring a professional carpet cleaner.
  12. For even better results, hire someone who specializes in carpet cleaning.


15 Professional Cleaning Hacks that Will Make Your Home Look 5-Star.