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How to Declutter Your Home On A Schedule

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Clutter may be a cause of stress, or it can even pose a health threat. It can make it hard to find things when you need them, or it can cause mold and mildew in the home. Clutter can make you feel ashamed or embarrassed about how much clutter is in your home.

You can easily declutter your house by creating a schedule. This will keep you on track and prevent you from becoming overwhelmed.

Start by making a list of areas in your home that need decluttering, and then tackle each space one by one. If your home is cluttered quickly, you may want to try doing this daily or every week.

To avoid distraction, set a timer on each task. Also, it's important to finish each task completely before moving on to another.

residential cleaning

You can use baskets or containers to organize your things when decluttering so you will be able to find them quickly once you are ready to move onto the next room. This will save you time and frustration later when it's time to put things away in your home.

Begin with the simplest spaces in your home, like the closet or the kitchen cabinets. You will be amazed at how much clutter you can eliminate if you start with these areas first.

After you've tackled the basic areas of your home, it's now time to move on to the more complex ones. This will help to give you an idea of which areas work for your house and which don't.

When you're not sure what to make of some of your possessions, ask yourself: "Does this bring me joy?" Marie Kondo often uses this method of decluttering to get rid items that no longer serve a function.

Then decide whether you want to donate, sell or throw it out. If you're planning to donate something, put it in an appropriate box or bag. You can then easily take it to your local charity shop.

cleaning maid services

It is also possible to put it in the recycling or garbage bin. If you're planning to dispose of it, it's a good idea to sort it into a separate bin before you put it out. This will save you from throwing out garbage that could be donated.

Final tip: Give each item that is removed a designated place in the house. This will help to make sure you know where the item is and that you can find it easily when you need it.

Decluttering will relieve your stress, make your home more spacious, and lift your mood. With some effort, you can transform your home into a peaceful place.


Is it better for a professional to use a DIY cleaning product?

It all depends on how big your house is and what type of cleaning you are looking for.

For small homes, using a DIY cleaning solution is fine. If you are looking to clean a large house, however, it is a good idea to hire a professional cleaner.

How much does house cleaning cost?

Many factors influence the cost of house cleaning. One of the largest factors in determining the cost of your house cleaning is the number and type of people who will live in it.

If you have large families, it's likely that you'll be paying more than someone who has smaller households.

Another important factor is what type of cleaning you need. Deep cleaning costs more than simple vacuuming because you need to remove more dirt and grime.

Additional charges may apply for services such as oven cleaning and window washing. Many cleaners will charge extra for these services.

The price you pay will be affected by where your home is located. The closer you are to major roads, the higher the prices will be.

What is included in a simple house cleaning?

It is essential to have the right tools for cleaning your home. You will need a mop/dustpan, bucket, vacuum, mop, dustpan, and broom. It's also worth getting a second-hand carpet sweeper as well. You don’t need to be concerned about spillages spreading throughout your home.

Although a damp towel is helpful, it's not mandatory. You could use an old tea towel if needed.

When deep cleaning, rubber gloves should be worn. They protect your hands from any splashes or dirt, and they prevent dirt from getting in your fingers.

You should ensure that chemicals are safe for your family if you use them. Ask your local council for advice on what products are best for your area.

Additional to these items, be sure to pack some cleaning rags or sponges as well as a bottle disinfectant spray.

What can I do to remove pet hair from my furniture?

Pet hair is a common problem for homeowners. There are several ways to deal with it.

One option is to buy a vacuum cleaner. A vacuum cleaner can not only remove dirt but it will also remove fur.

You could also try a brush. Before vacuuming, brush the fur from the furniture.


  • Typically, you can charge customers about $90 to clean a house that's less than 1,000 square feet and $250 for a house that's 3,000 square feet or more, according to Home Advisor. (freshbooks.com)
  • Add 33 percent on top of your cost. (freshbooks.com)
  • You should add 50 percent to cover these costs. (freshbooks.com)
  • The best-paid 10 percent make $34,000, while the lowest-paid 10 percent make $26,000. (zippia.com)

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How To

How to clean your bathroom with baking soda

Baking soda may seem like a common household item, but it is something you might not even think about until things go wrong. When things go wrong, baking soda steps in to save the day! It can clean up any spillages from the sink or tub, as well as freshening the air and making soap bubbles.

When baking soda has been used correctly, it doesn’t leave any residue. So you don’t have to worry about cleaning up the smell later. Baking soda is also cheap and easy to find. Baking soda can be used to quicken the process of cleaning a bathroom. You'll be amazed how it works.

  1. Be sure to have all of the ingredients on hand and ready for action.
  2. Lay a towel down under the tub or sink.
  3. Put half a cup of baking powder into the tub or basin.
  4. You should add enough water to fill the tub or basin by about 2 inches.
  5. Use a spatula/spoon to mix the mixture.
  6. Scrub away! If there are stubborn spots, repeat steps 4-5.
  7. Once the basin or bathtub looks clean, add half a cup of baking soda.
  8. Follow steps 3-7.
  9. Rinse the basin/tub with hot water.
  10. Blow dry with a fan.
  11. Enjoy!


How to Declutter Your Home On A Schedule