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Home Maintenance Tips To Keep Your Home Safe and Healthy

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Home maintenance is crucial to maintain a safe and healthy home. Check your home for leaks or problems with the roof. Replace damaged screens and dry-rotted weather stripping. Ventilation should be maintained. Clean all stove hoods. Keep all appliances clean. There are so many things that you can do around the house. These are the top tips to ensure your home is safe and healthy. Here are some suggestions if you don't know where to begin.

Inspecting your roof

Inspecting your roof as part of your home maintenance routine is an essential task for maintaining the integrity of your home. It doesn't matter how great your roof looks. There are likely to be a serious leakage or minor damage. Although leaks from the ground may not be obvious, they can cause damage to your home's interior walls. The inspector will look for specific things depending on the type of roof you have.

Leakage detection

Leakages in the pipes are a leading source of water loss in many households. According to the 2016 Residential End Uses of Water report, households lose 17 gallons of water daily because of indoor leaks. While some leaks are visible and easy to spot, many go undetected for years. You can check for leaks by shutting off water supply and equipment.

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Cleaning your gutters

Although you may believe that cleaning gutters is difficult, it really isn't. While it may be easy for most people, it's actually a fairly dangerous task. A sturdy ladder with strong legs is essential. You should ensure that the handle of your tool is long and doesn't bend under the weight. Cleaning your gutters will be easier if the tools are used correctly.

Checking for critters

Checklists for spring and autumn home maintenance are great ways of preparing your home for the next season and to catch any potential problems in advance. During the spring, check your attic for animals that might have made a home there. Take down any branches and dead limbs near power lines. Inspect soffits, eaves, and fascia for debris and holes. Make sure they are free of insulation. Make sure to check your flashlights for insects and make sure they work properly.

Cleaning your fireplace

Cleaning your wood-burning fireplace regularly is important. Cleansing it regularly will stop dangerous particles from getting into the air, which reduces the possibility of a fireplace. It should always be cleaned at least once a calendar year, preferably every other month. Deep cleaning should also be done once a month or annually if necessary. You should wear protective clothing and gloves when you are cleaning your fireplace. You should wear safety goggles as well as a dust mask while doing this job. For the chimney's trim and louvers, you will need a microfiber cloth.

Checking for GFCI receptacles

In order to ensure your home's safety from electricity, you might need to check the GFCI outlets. Look out for a red button or reset button on the GFCI outlets' panel label. The test button can be pressed to turn on the GFCI outlet. It will then cut power to two different plug connections. A GFCI outlet can be considered safe if its "test" lights do not turn on or if it switches on when you plug in a voltage tester or radio. You need to replace it if it does. During annual home maintenance, test your GFCI outlets to ensure they are safe.

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Cleaning your furnace

Dirt is your furnace's enemy. Dirt not only makes your furnace less efficient, but it also wastes fuel. Cleaning it is an important part of home maintenance. Before heating season, make sure to clean out the furnace's filter, motor, blower, and other parts. Check for dirt on these parts every month, and replace them if necessary with new filters. You must also clean the furnace's heating coils. They can get dirty easily.

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What length of time should the air conditioner be left on after cleaning?

After cleaning, leave the air conditioner running for at least 30 seconds. This will allow the air to circulate in the house, making it easier for the house to stay cool.

How many people do I need to invite to clean my home?

For a moderate-sized house, usually two people suffice. But if you have a very large house, you might want to ask more than three people.

Do gloves need to be worn while I clean?

You should always use gloves when cleaning. Gloves protect your hands from getting dirty and cuts. Gloves prevent germs from spreading.

Can I get rid of stains easily?

Stains are usually caused by food residue. It is best to soak the stain in water. The stain will absorb into the water.

Baking soda is also a good option to absorb the stain. Sprinkle baking soda on the area and rub the area gently until the stain is gone.

How often should I get my house cleaned?

It all depends upon how dirty your house is. You might need to clean up every week if your house is extremely messy. If you have only a few stains, you may be able to get by with it once per month.

Keep in mind that guests and parties may require you to clean the house more often.

Which is better, a professional or DIY cleaning solution?

It depends on the size and type of cleaning that you do.

It is okay to use a DIY cleaner for small homes. For larger homes, a professional cleaning service should be hired.

How to keep your home smelling clean even if you have pets?

If you want to make sure your house smells fresh all day long, try these tips for keeping your home smelling great!

  1. Use scented candles. There are many types of candles you can use, but scented candles work best because they do not overpower other aromas.
  2. Keep air fresheners on hand. They're cheap and easy to find at most stores. Spray them wherever people are spending time.
  3. Make your own cleaning products. Homemade cleaners are better than store-bought ones because they don't contain harsh chemicals. Plus, you can see exactly what goes into them.
  4. Keep it clean. Keep your surfaces clean.
  5. Keep your eyes open for plants. Plants are able to absorb odors in the air and produce a pleasant scent.
  6. Consider essential oils. These natural fragrances are wonderful and can add great character to any space.


  • The best-paid 10 percent make $34,000, while the lowest-paid 10 percent make $26,000. (zippia.com)
  • You should add 50 percent to cover these costs. (freshbooks.com)
  • A single-family home should cost $120 to $150 to clean, according to Home Advisor. (freshbooks.com)
  • Add 33 percent on top of your cost. (freshbooks.com)

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How To

How to Use Baking Soda To Clean Your Bathroom

Baking soda can be one of those household items you don't really think about until something goes terribly wrong. Baking soda can come to your rescue when things go wrong. It can clean up any spillages from the sink or tub, as well as freshening the air and making soap bubbles.

When baking soda is used correctly, it doesn't leave any residue, so you won't have to worry about scrubbing off the odor later. Baking soda is also cheap and easy to find. Baking soda is a great option for quick fixes to dirty bathrooms. You'll be amazed how it works.

  1. Make sure that all ingredients are prepared and readily available.
  2. You can place a towel beneath the sink or bathtub.
  3. Half a Cup of baking soda is enough to fill the tub.
  4. Add enough water so that the bottom of your basin or tub is covered by at least two inches.
  5. Use a spoon or spatula to stir the mixture.
  6. Scrub away! Repeat steps 5 and 6 if you have stubborn spots.
  7. After the basin is clean, add another half cup of baking powder.
  8. Follow steps 3-7.
  9. Rinse the tub and basin with hot running water.
  10. Blot dry using a fan.
  11. Enjoy!


Home Maintenance Tips To Keep Your Home Safe and Healthy