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How to get your house ready for festive cleaning after the holidays

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To reduce stress and enjoy holidays, it is important to keep your home tidy and uncluttered. However, if your home isn't in top form it may not be possible to prepare it in time. Consider hiring a cleaning service to clean your house. This will save you time and stress. While you're at it, you might also consider donating some of the items you no longer need.

Home improvements can be done during the holidays, which is a great opportunity to make some home improvements. This does not mean that you should neglect your regular maintenance. Here are some tips to make sure your house sparkles before the holiday season begins.

It is best to start at least two weeks prior to Christmas. However, it will depend on the size your house. A small apartment or condominium may only require a few hours of cleaning, while a bigger house will take longer.

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You should clean your refrigerator and freezer, if not done already. These areas can also be disinfected using warm water and soap. While you're at the same time, it is important to sort through your food. This will give you room to serve any holiday treats.

Make your home sparkle this holiday season by cleaning your bathroom and kitchen. If you are hosting guests, this is especially important. These areas are the heart and soul of any home. They can also get messy. Even if your guests aren't coming, cleaning the kitchen or bathroom can help keep it clean. It might be worth cleaning out the windows in your house. It will be easier to hang paper ornaments on glass windows.

For a more thorough clean, consider hiring a house cleaning service to come in and give your home a deep cleaning. It might also be worth the cost to hire someone to do the more mundane tasks, such as cleaning out the fridge, vacuuming the floor, or dusting the shelves. They will also be able handle more complex tasks, which can save you time and effort.

This is best done by creating a list of all the tasks you wish to complete. You can also make a room-byroom checklist if you are unsure about which tasks to complete. This will allow you to accomplish a few small tasks at a given time. It will also make it easier for you to handle larger, more complicated tasks.

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To ensure that your home is ready to celebrate Christmas, it is worth creating a Christmas cleaning program. Cleanliness will save you time and allow you to decorate more easily. A clean house will also make it easier to keep your house looking good after the holiday season.


What is the average hourly charge for housecleaners?

House cleaning services are typically priced per job. The cost of house cleaning services varies depending upon how many rooms you clean, which furniture you own, and whether or not you have pets.

A basic vacuuming service may cost about $15 an hour.

Are gloves necessary for cleaning?

You should always use gloves when cleaning. Gloves protect your hands from getting dirty and cuts. Gloves also stop germs spreading.

Are you allowed to clean before a cleaner arrives

Plan B is essential if you plan to clean your home before the cleaners arrive. You might find out that a cleaning service arrives and finds there's nothing they can do, if you don't have a plan B.

A list of all items that require cleaning is the best way for this to be avoided. This could include a listing of rooms, furniture and floors as well as carpets. Make sure you also have a checklist of tasks for each item.

Consider how long it takes to do these tasks. In the example of a large living space, you may choose to start with the carpet, then move on to the walls and finally the floors.

It is important to have a time estimate for each task, and to stick with it. If you don’t have a time estimate for each task, the cleaners may leave the job after they finish half.

Many times we don't give our cleaners much direction when they come to clean our house. We expect them to figure out where to go based on their experience.

It is important to create a detailed plan that includes tasks and deadlines. You can ensure that cleaners are properly equipped by creating a detailed plan.

Which is better, a professional or DIY cleaning solution?

It all depends upon the size of your home, and the type cleaning you want.

For small homes, using a DIY cleaning solution is fine. If you are looking to clean a large house, however, it is a good idea to hire a professional cleaner.

What can I expect from pet hair on my furniture and what can I do?

Pet hair is one of the most common problems faced by homeowners. There are many ways to get rid of it.

You can buy a vacuum cleaner. Using a vacuum cleaner will not only remove the debris but also remove the fur.

A brush is another option. You can brush the fur off of the furniture before vacuuming it.

How many people should I invite to help me clean my house?

Usually, two people are enough to clean a medium-sized house. However, if you have a large home you might need more than one person.


  • A single-family home should cost $120 to $150 to clean, according to Home Advisor. (freshbooks.com)
  • You can estimate that payroll taxes will cost 18 percent of your labor cost, according to Cleaning 4 Profit. (freshbooks.com)
  • The best-paid 10 percent make $34,000, while the lowest-paid 10 percent make $26,000. (zippia.com)
  • Typically, you can charge customers about $90 to clean a house that's less than 1,000 square feet and $250 for a house that's 3,000 square feet or more, according to Home Advisor. (freshbooks.com)

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How To

Tips for Keeping Your House Clean and Organized

When you are able to organize your space properly, it will be much easier to maintain order at home.

Make a list of all the things you own. First, make a list and mark any items you no longer want. Then, take a look at your belongings and decide which of them should stay with you permanently and which can be donated to charity. You might also consider selling them online. The money you get from these sales could help pay off some of those bills!

Next, you need to sort through the things that stay in your home. Next, put the dishes in your dishwasher. After that, you can put your clothes into the drawers. Fold laundry and place it into the closet. Clear out the areas you spend the most time in. You could possibly move your furniture around to make room for storage containers. Or maybe you could set aside a specific area just for storing toys, books, and games.

Once you have cleared out all your possessions you can begin to clean up your home. Take down pictures, posters, and artwork. Eliminate clutter from shelves, tables, or counters. Don't keep old newspapers or magazines. Don't forget to clean up after your self by picking up trash, emptying garbagebaskets, vacuuming floors and dusting surfaces.

The best way to keep your home clean is to start small. Once you're used to doing simple tasks like this, you'll find that they become second nature. If you have more time, consider tackling a larger project such as organizing your kitchen, garage, basement, attic or attic.


How to get your house ready for festive cleaning after the holidays