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Cleaning Hacks to Save Time & Save Money

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Cleaning your house can be a difficult task. You don't have to spend hours wiping and dusting your house. There are some cleaning hacks you can use to cut down on time. One of the best ways to clean your house quickly is to clean one room at a time. To begin, remove anything that isn't needed in that specific room. This will make the cleaning process quicker and more efficient. Next, take out all items that you no longer need.

Here are some time-saving tips for house cleaning

Time-saving house cleaning hacks can save you quite a bit of time. De-cluttering and organizing are the first steps. Once you've de-cluttered, you'll find that you don't spend as much time cleaning up. Organization is crucial to managing your time efficiently. The next step is to divide the cleaning tasks into smaller sections. After all, you don't want to spend a lot of time on one area of the home when you could spend the same amount of time cleaning the rest of the house.

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Easy deep cleaning hacks

Deep cleaning doesn't have to be expensive or take a lot of time. These cleaning hacks can save you time and money. You can clean your home with household items. They are often just as effective than store-bought solutions. In addition to these products, baking soda and vinegar are also effective cleaners. They can be used in a variety of ways and are safer to use than harmful chemicals.

Lemon hacks

The best cleaning solution is lemons. Not only do they smell wonderful, but their oil cuts grease and is very inexpensive. You can clean countertops and wooden surfaces with lemon juice. To make it even more abrasive, soak a cottonball in lemon juice. Keep it in the refrigerator for up to one week. Mixing lemon juice with baking soda can be a great alternative.

Baking soda

If you are tired of using harsh chemicals to clean your bathroom, consider a natural alternative such as baking soda. This common household ingredient does more than make cookies. It can be used in a wide range of household cleaning tasks from cleaning windows to controlling pests. Baking soda is well-known for its long history. Ancient Egyptians used this to dry their bodies before they were mutilated.

Olive oil

Olive oil is a good choice for cleaning. But it doesn't necessarily have to come from a high-end producer. Olive oil is widely used in our daily lives. Even the most generic brands can be used for cleansing. It doesn't need to be a fancy type, which you can purchase in many stores. It's as effective as cleaning products that contain chemicals, and it's also less expensive. Here are other benefits to olive oil cleaning. These are just a few of the many benefits that olive oil has to offer.

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Shaving cream

Did you know that you can use your shaving cream for cleaning? This natural substance is perfect for delicate items because of its protective properties. It can be used as a polish for jewelry and to fix squeaky hinges. You can even use it to clean your microwave. It is best to let it dry completely before using it on any other surfaces. You can use shaving cream around children, because it also has antibacterial and cleaning properties.


What's the best way to clean your house?

It is best to start with the living room. Start with the living area, then move onto the kitchen, bathroom and bedroom. Finally, you will reach the garage.

What is better: a professional cleaning service or a DIY cleaner?

It depends on the size of your home and the type of cleaning you want to do.

Small homes can be cleaned with a DIY solution. However, if you're planning to clean a big house, you should probably hire a professional cleaning service.

What is the first thing to do when you clean a house?

You should clean the windows first. You will be able to see outside. Take everything off the floor. Finally, you can put everything back where it belongs.

Finally, you need to clean the walls. It is important to check for any cracks or holes in walls. Plaster should be used for filling any holes. After that, you should wash the floors. And then you should sweep the whole place. Finally, dust everywhere.

Is it a good idea to clean before the cleaner arrives?

If you decide to clean before a cleaner comes, make sure you have a plan B. Cleaning service might arrive and discover that you have not prepared for the job.

You can avoid this by making a list of items that need cleaning. This could include a listing of rooms, furniture and floors as well as carpets. Make sure you also have a checklist of tasks for each item.

Consider how long it takes to do these tasks. For example, if you have a large living room, you might choose to focus on the carpet first, followed by the walls, then the floor.

You should have a time estimate and stick to it. You risk having cleaners leave half the job.

Many times we don't give our cleaners much direction when they come to clean our house. We expect them not to rely on our experience but to make their own decisions.

This is why you should create an inventory of all areas, tasks, time frames, and locations. By creating a detailed plan, you ensure that the cleaners have everything they need to perform the job properly.

How to keep your home clean, even if you have animals?

If you want to make sure your house smells fresh all day long, try these tips for keeping your home smelling great!

  1. Use scented candles. Although you can use any type, scented candles smell great and don't overpower the other aromas.
  2. Air fresheners are a must-have. They are easy to find in most shops and they are cheap. You can spray them anywhere people spend their time.
  3. Make your own cleaning supplies You can make your own cleaners that are safer than those bought at the store. Plus, you can see exactly what goes into them.
  4. It is important to clean frequently. The less dirty surfaces you have, the easier it is to keep everything else looking its best.
  5. Plants are also important. Plants can absorb odors from the atmosphere and help to create pleasant scents.
  6. Try using essential oils. These natural fragrances smell amazing and add great character to your space.


  • The best-paid 10 percent make $34,000, while the lowest-paid 10 percent make $26,000. (zippia.com)
  • You should add 50 percent to cover these costs. (freshbooks.com)
  • House cleaners on the lower end of that spectrum, the bottom 10% to be exact, make roughly $21,000 a year, while the top 10% makes $36,000. (zippia.com)
  • You must see the house in question when estimating all private house cleaning jobs, according to Cleaning 4 Profit. (freshbooks.com)

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How To

How to start a cleaning company from scratch

The first step in determining your niche is to define it. This is what you should specialize in. You should choose something that you enjoy doing and that you're good at. If you're not sure where to begin, here are some questions to ask: Do I enjoy cleaning or something else? Is there anything you enjoy? Are there skills that I could use to be a cleaner?

Once you've found your niche it's time for you to research if the demand is there. This can be done in a number of ways. It is easiest to search online. Google will give you a list of cleaning services in your area. You might also want to check the local newspapers or magazines. There are often ads in these magazines for housecleaners. Also, reach out to your family members and friends for their services. Most people don’t realize they can hire someone who cleans their homes.

Once you know if there is demand, decide how much hourly you charge. Be aware that increasing your price will cause some customers to leave. You won't have enough clients if your price is too low.

Next, you'll need to figure out what kind of equipment you'll need. There are many things you will need, such as mops and brooms, dustpans and vacuum cleaners. Expect to spend about $1,000 if you are looking to buy all new.

Finally, you will need to open your shop. You'll need somewhere to store your supplies like buckets, mops and brooms. Furniture and lighting fixtures will also be required.

A sign will also be needed to place outside your front door. You will need a sign that says "Cleaning Service available!"


Cleaning Hacks to Save Time & Save Money