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How to Dust the House

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There are many ways you can dust your house. For flat surfaces, damp dusting is the best option. A damp cloth is better than vacuuming on flat surfaces. It captures all dirt and particles. It can also be used to clean windows and furniture of pet hair and lint. Learn more about dusting your house. Dust your ceiling fans too! Dusting is important for a clean environment, whether you are moving into a new place or simply want to refresh your home.

Before vacuuming, dust.

To get the best results from vacuuming your home, it is vital to first dust the area. Dusting loosens dust particles from surfaces. Even though vacuuming may remove some dust, it's not possible to remove all of it. Vacuuming is able to remove some of these dust particles. However, dusting can only remove a small portion of them. Here's why. Many types of microparticles are found in dust.

Dusting furniture

It's vital to dust furniture in the house at least once a week. Dead skin cells, hair, pet dander, and hair are all the ingredients that settle on furniture. Worse, some particles can be harmful insects. A large, unorganized clump, also known by the dust bunny (Dust Bunny), can hide under furniture or in corners. People with dust allergies have a greater chance of developing hayfever. They should avoid dust bunnies.

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Dust windows

It's not a good idea to hate cleaning windows if you are a klutz. The windows on your house can collect a layer of dust as thick as a millimeter. Keeping them closed during peak traffic hours and only opening them in the mornings is the best way to minimize the amount of dust entering your home. An inexpensive solution to cleaning your windows and a microfiber towel are alternatives.

Dusting ceiling fans

When dusting your ceiling fan, make sure you follow these tips: use a long-handled duster and protect your furniture by placing a drop cloth or a sheet under the fan. Clean both sides of the blades with a long-handled Ushaped brush. An old pillowcase can be used if a standard duster is not able to reach the fan blades.

Dusting doors

You can dust the doors of your house to remove dust. Wood doors should be cleaned with a dry cloth. You can then clean your doors with Murphys Oil Soap. Before you start, dry the cloth well. You can use a feather drier or a pair pants to dry the wood cleaner after it has been applied.

Dusting knick-knacks

Dusty knick-knacks are not uncommon in a house. These treasured possessions can include heirlooms or collectibles as well as knick-knacks that are made of crystal and glass. These items are also susceptible to dust buildup and can be difficult cleaning. You can clean them with a blow dryer. You might have to be careful as some knickknacks are fragile and delicate. If that isn't possible, soak them in warm water and soap. Then dry them off with a towel.

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Dust carpets

Every day, dust settles onto your carpet. Everyday dirt and dust can get into your carpet's backing. The pile will eventually become loose and bare. It is crucial to dust your carpet once a month in order to maintain indoor air quality. To do this, dust your carpet every month with a vacuum cleaner or sweeper.

Dusting hard floors

Make sure you get rid of vent covers before dusting hard floors. The covers can scratch floors. To dust walls that are high up, use a broom handle. A damp cloth could damage the paint. For hard floors, use a dust mop with a treated coating. These dust mop treatments can be purchased online or in some grocery stores. To protect your hard floors, you can spray the treatment onto a cloth.

Dusting ductwork

Dusting your home regularly and cleaning out the ductwork can help keep it clean. But regular maintenance is also important. Even though regular dusting can move dust from surfaces to the ductwork and the ceilings, it will not remove dust from the air. To help eliminate dust, open windows and run the fan setting on your thermostat. You should also do regular maintenance to ensure that your air filters are clean and functioning properly.

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What do most house cleaners charge per hour?

House cleaning services are usually priced by the job. Prices vary depending on the number of rooms that you clean, what furniture you have and whether you have children or pets.

An hourly rate for deep cleaning would be $30, while basic vacuuming might cost $15.

What does a deep clean include?

A deep clean covers all surfaces: baseboards to walls, doors and windows. This includes dusting, vacuuming and mopping, scrubbing, polishing dishes, wiping countertops, sweep floors, and emptying trashcans.

Some companies offer other services such as spring cleaning, end-of-tenancy cleaning, or even pet care.

Are gloves necessary for cleaning?

While cleaning, gloves are a must. Gloves protect your hands against getting cut and dirty. Gloves also stop germs spreading.

What should you do before a cleaner arrives at your home?

Plan B is essential if you plan to clean your home before the cleaners arrive. It is possible for a cleaning service to come and clean up your place, but they may not know what to do because you didn't plan ahead.

It is best to keep this situation under control by creating an inventory of the items that must be cleaned. This could include a listing of rooms, furniture and floors as well as carpets. Also, make sure to include a list with tasks for each item.

It is also important to consider the time required to complete these tasks. You might, for example, choose to concentrate on the floor first. Next, focus on your walls.

Each task should be given a time estimate. Stick to your schedule. If you don't, you risk having the cleaners leave after completing half the job.

A lot of times, when we hire someone to clean our home, we don't give them much direction. We expect them to use their knowledge to determine where we should go.

This is why you should create an inventory of all areas, tasks, time frames, and locations. This will help ensure that cleaners have everything they need for the job.

What is included in a basic house cleaning?

For home cleaners, it is important to have the right tools. All you need is a mop, bucket, dustpan and mop. It is worth looking for a second hand carpet sweeper. You don't need to worry about spillages spreading throughout the house.

You can also use a damp cloth but this is not essential. You could use an old tea towel if needed.

While deep cleaning is a good idea, you should always use rubber gloves. Rubber gloves protect your hands from dirt and keep it from getting into your fingers.

It is important to ensure safety when you are using chemicals. For advice, contact your local council.

You'll also need to have a few cleaning rags, sponges and possibly a spray bottle of disinfectant.


  • A single-family home should cost $120 to $150 to clean, according to Home Advisor. (freshbooks.com)
  • The best-paid 10 percent make $34,000, while the lowest-paid 10 percent make $26,000. (zippia.com)
  • You must see the house in question when estimating all private house cleaning jobs, according to Cleaning 4 Profit. (freshbooks.com)
  • You can estimate that payroll taxes will cost 18 percent of your labor cost, according to Cleaning 4 Profit. (freshbooks.com)

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How To

How to Clean Your Bathroom with Baking Soda

Baking soda can be one of those household items you don't really think about until something goes terribly wrong. Baking soda is there to save the day when everything goes wrong. Baking soda can be used to clean up water from bathtubs and sinks, remove odors from clothing, and make soap bubbles.

When baking soda has been used correctly, it doesn’t leave any residue. So you don’t have to worry about cleaning up the smell later. It is inexpensive and easy for you to find. Baking soda can be used to quicken the process of cleaning a bathroom. You'll be amazed how it works.

  1. Make sure you've got all the ingredients out and ready to go.
  2. Put down a towel under the sink or tub.
  3. Half a cup baking soda should be added to the tub or basin.
  4. Add enough water to cover the bottom of the basin or tub by a couple of inches.
  5. Use a spatula for stirring the mixture.
  6. Scrub away! Re-scramble any stubborn spots.
  7. Pour another half cup baking soda into the basin after it has been cleaned.
  8. Follow steps 3-7.
  9. Rinse the basin or tub with hot water.
  10. Blot dry using a fan.
  11. Enjoy!


How to Dust the House