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Is my House Making me Sick?

home cleaning

People are becoming more concerned about the health issues they are experiencing from their homes. Studies have shown that the air we breathe indoors can be two to five times more polluted than outdoor air. This includes harmful chemicals under the sink, gas appliances, and paint fumes. It can also be affected if there are structural problems such as mold. Read on to learn about the potential causes and how to deal with them.

The symptoms

Sick building syndrome is an uncomfortable condition caused by the presence of various chemicals and biological pollutants in your home. These chemicals can be found within your home, in your water, food and cleaning products. People who are exposed to these chemicals may experience symptoms such as irritated eyes, fatigue, and confusion. Some may develop long-term illnesses such as asthma.

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Sick Building Syndrome symptoms are similar to other illnesses, such as common colds. The symptoms typically disappear once you leave the building and then return. SBS is a diagnosis that can be made if symptoms occur more frequently than once per week.


Avoid spreading a cold in your house by washing your hands regularly. If you have a sick child, it's important to keep them in a separate room, at least a metre away from the rest of your family. When you're sharing a room with someone who is sick, it's a good idea for you to use a medical mask. To prevent the spread of the cold virus, it is important to wash your hands often.

Use caution when handling tissues. To sneeze into tissues Don't throw away any used tissues. Use soap and water to wash your hands. Make sure to label your cups with the name of the person who is ill. Avoid close contact with people with illnesses. You should also eat a healthy diet and exercise to maintain your health.


Good hygiene will help to reduce the chances of you getting sick in your home. For starters, avoid touching surfaces that are contaminated with germs. Also, it is important to wash your hands after touching your face. There are many germs that can live on your home's surfaces. So, it's important to disinfect commonly touched surfaces such as doorknobs, counters, light switches, and TV remotes.

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A great way to prevent getting a cold is by washing your hands often. Make sure to wash your hands thoroughly after touching anyone infected. Don't share food or drink containers with people who are sick.

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What kind of tools do I need to clean my house and what should I buy?

For deep cleaning you will need to use heavy-duty equipment like vacuums.

You don't need to have as many tools if you are just looking to clean up your home. All you need is a broom and a dustpan.

How often should my house be vacuumed?

Every week vacuum. Vacuuming keeps your carpet clean and fresh by removing dirt.

How long does it take for my house to be cleaned up after I move in?

This depends on the size of your home and the amount of work that needs to be done. If you're moving in or out of a small apartment with little furniture, then you can expect to spend about two hours cleaning your place before you leave.

You could spend eight hours cleaning up if you have a large home.

Cleaning a 1-bedroom apartment takes on average 4 hours. However, if you move into a 5-bedroom home, it could take you between 8-12 hours.


  • The best-paid 10 percent make $34,000, while the lowest-paid 10 percent make $26,000. (zippia.com)
  • You must see the house in question when estimating all private house cleaning jobs, according to Cleaning 4 Profit. (freshbooks.com)
  • A single-family home should cost $120 to $150 to clean, according to Home Advisor. (freshbooks.com)
  • You can estimate that payroll taxes will cost 18 percent of your labor cost, according to Cleaning 4 Profit. (freshbooks.com)

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How To

How to clean a stained carpet

You don't want the chore of cleaning a carpet that is dirty. It's messy, takes forever, and if you're not careful, your whole house could end up smelling like a pet shop. You don't have to do it yourself, but there are some ways you can make cleaning your carpets easier.

Here are some tips that will help you clean your carpets at house:

  1. You should only use high quality cleaners. Be sure to test any product on carpets before you apply it. If you use a cheap cleaner, you might damage your carpet.
  2. Make sure you have a spout on your bucket so that the solution can be easily poured into the carpet.
  3. After putting the solution on the carpet, allow it to dry completely before vacuuming. So that you don't accidentally get the solution on your carpet, wait until it dries completely before vacuuming.
  4. Always rinse the bucket off after each use. It's impossible to know the chemical composition of your carpet cleaners if you don’t rinse it out.
  5. Once you're done, rinse the bucket and throw it in the garbage. Do NOT put it down the drain because this can cause clogs.
  6. Never leave cleaners sitting in the sun. They will eventually evaporate, creating an unpleasant stench.
  7. While you're vacuuming, be sure to keep your pets away. You might let your pets inhale any fumes or rub against the carpet. This could cause dirt to stick.
  8. Use gentle pressure when pulling up the carpet. It doesn't need to be ripped.
  9. Avoid steam mopping. Steam mops can be expensive and take a lot of care.
  10. Instead, choose a moist-dry vacuum. These vacuums are ideal for removing dirt and dust from carpets.
  11. Consider hiring a professional carpet cleaning service if there are still stubborn spots.
  12. For even better results, hire someone who specializes in carpet cleaning.


Is my House Making me Sick?