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Today, show cleaning tips

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Today's cleaning tips segment can help you make your kitchen sparkle. Elena Besser (a TV host and a chef) shares her helpful cleaning tips. You will learn how to clean your dishwasher, garbage disposal, and cookware. She also demonstrates how to clean your dishwasher and floors. These tips can also be applied to your appliances to ensure they look their best. These are some ideas to get you started.


Watch the Today Show to get some cleaning tips for your kitchen. Elena Besser (TV host and chef) shares her tips for creating a sparkling kitchen. She also discusses garbage disposal cleaner, dishwasher cleaning, and cleaning cookware. These tips can be used next time you clean out your kitchen. You might be amazed at how simple it is to maintain clean kitchens. Follow these simple tips to make your kitchen a clean and sanitary space.


Here are some ways to make your bathroom more sanitary. The toilet and drains should be cleaned regularly. To clean glass surfaces of water and condensation, you can use a sponge. To prevent soap scum buildup on glass surfaces, you should use this tool after every shower. Additionally, you need to dust the floors, walls, and light fixtures. Finally, you should store clean cloths properly.


Experts share their top tips for cleaning floors. Follow these tips to keep your floors looking as clean as possible. Avoid furniture spray. It can cause slippery floors. Instead, you can use Murphy Oil Soap as a mild cleaner. A furniture spray can cause the floor to become dull and slippery. The floor finish may also fade when it is used with alkaline products or straight ammonia.

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You're looking for tile cleaning tips that work? You can make your own cleaning product using household ingredients. The tile cleaner is not the only option. You can also make your own grout remover to get rid of any stubborn grout. Quickly get a sparkling tile surface using vinegar and lemon juice. However, be sure to use them properly - you may end up with more grout than you planned!

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How often should I get my house cleaned?

It all depends on how messy your home is. If you live in a very messy household, then you may find yourself needing to clean every week. You can usually get away with just a few stains a month if there aren't many.

It's also worth remembering that if you've had a party or are having guests, you may need to clean more frequently.

How many people should you invite to help clean your house?

Usually, two people are enough to clean a medium-sized house. But if you have a very large house, you might want to ask more than three people.

What is the average time housecleaners work?

Most cleaners are available Monday through Friday between 9 am and 6 pm. Some companies offer Sunday and Saturday services.

Many cleaners also offer weekend and after-school cleaning.


  • A single-family home should cost $120 to $150 to clean, according to Home Advisor. (freshbooks.com)
  • The best-paid 10 percent make $34,000, while the lowest-paid 10 percent make $26,000. (zippia.com)
  • You can estimate that payroll taxes will cost 18 percent of your labor cost, according to Cleaning 4 Profit. (freshbooks.com)
  • Add 33 percent on top of your cost. (freshbooks.com)

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How To

How to Clean Your Bathroom With Baking Soda

Baking soda, one of those household products that you may not think too much about until something goes wrong, is baking soda. But when things go wrong, baking soda comes to the rescue! It's great at cleaning up spills from sinks and tubs, freshening the air in bathrooms, removing odors from clothes, and even making soap bubbles.

When baking soda has been used correctly, it doesn’t leave any residue. So you don’t have to worry about cleaning up the smell later. It is inexpensive and easy for you to find. Baking soda can be added to your laundry for a quick fix in a messy bathroom. You will be amazed at the results.

  1. It's important to ensure you have all the necessary ingredients and are ready to go.
  2. Lay a towel down under the tub or sink.
  3. Pour half a cup of baking soda into the basin or tub.
  4. You should add enough water to fill the tub or basin by about 2 inches.
  5. Use a spatula for stirring the mixture.
  6. Scrub away! If there are stubborn spots, repeat steps 4-5.
  7. After the basin is clean, add another half cup of baking powder.
  8. Follow steps 3-7.
  9. Rinse the tub or basin with hot water.
  10. Use a fan to blow dry.
  11. Enjoy!


Today, show cleaning tips