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Tips for Window Cleaning

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You must be careful to maintain pristine windows. While cleaning windows, you should avoid using ammonia or alcohol. Power washing frames is also a no-no. You can avoid streaking by using an lint-free cloth. Depending on how often you use your window frames, you should clean them once to twice per year.

Use a lint-free cloth to clean the area.

A lint-free rag is great for cleaning windows. Many rags leave behind lint which can be harmful to glass and electronic devices. A rag with low lint is best, as it can be used for many purposes.

A damp, lint free rag can remove dirt, grease, or other debris. This is also helpful for mirrors and glass. A microfiber cloth is best for lintless cleaning.

Avoid power washing window frames

You can damage window frames by power washing them. For safe cleaning, you should use warm, soapy, water and avoid using harsh chemicals. These chemicals can ruin the finish of window frames, causing them to discolor. Use mineral spirits to remove stubborn stains and deposits.

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The process can also cause damage to exterior light fixtures, power outlets, and seals. It is often difficult to see potential damage because of the dirt and grime. Clean windows will make your home look cleaner and increase its value.

Avoid using alcohol or ammonia

There are two main types: ammonia or alcohol. Both ammonia and alcohol can leave streaks on glass, but they are effective in cleaning windows and glass. In order to be safe for glass surfaces, ammonia and alcohol are often dilute with water. These chemicals should not be used to clean automobile glass.

These two substances can cause eye and skin irritation. Ingestion can make it highly flammable, and potentially toxic. It can leave streaks on windows, which is something that vinegar, alcohol, and ammonia cannot do. Additionally, they can make the sun glare worse.


Before you clean the windows, prepare the area. Place towels and tarps to protect furniture and other items from the excess water that will drip down the windows. Protective products such a microfiber cloth and steel wool are also needed. These products are great for removing stubborn dirt.

It is a good practice to remove plants from the window sills. This will make it easier to clean. Also, cut back shrubs and trees that block the windows.

Homemade window cleaners

residential cleaner

Homemade window cleaners are a great way to cut down on the amount of chemical products in your home. They reduce the number of plastic spray bottles ending up in landfills. You can also reduce the number of chemicals in your home. This could lead to long-term health problems.

Mixing vinegar and water can make homemade window cleaners. This will give a streak-free finish and will allow you to polish the glass with a microfibre cloth. For streak-free glass, you can even use an old newspaper for a buffer.

Using a squeegee

A squeegee makes a great tool for quick cleaning windows. The squeegee is made of a rubber-coated knife and is designed for cleaning windows. Start at the top of the window, then work your way down. You should overlap your path slightly and continue cleaning until all water has been removed.

You must ensure that you grip the handle well and then slide the squeegee along the window. Begin by applying normal pressure to your squeegee. Next, apply half-pressure and move the squeegee for several passes. After each pass, wipe the squeegee's blade with a damp cloth. Repeat this procedure two or three times.

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Should you clean before a cleaner comes?

Plan B is essential if you plan to clean your home before the cleaners arrive. It is possible for a cleaning service to come and clean up your place, but they may not know what to do because you didn't plan ahead.

The best way to avoid this situation is to create an inventory of items that need to be cleaned. This could include a list of rooms, furniture, floors, carpets, etc. Make sure you also have a checklist of tasks for each item.

Also, you'll need to think about how much time it will take to accomplish these tasks. You might, for example, choose to concentrate on the floor first. Next, focus on your walls.

Be sure to give a time estimate on each task and follow the schedule. You could risk having cleaners leave halfway through the job.

Most of the time, when hiring someone to clean our home we don’t give them any direction. We expect them based on their previous experience to decide where to go.

You should prepare a list of tasks and areas to be cleaned. This will help ensure that cleaners have everything they need for the job.

How often should I vacuum my home?

Vacuum at least once a week. Vacuuming cleans your carpet of dirt and keeps it looking great.

How can you keep your home fresh and clean even though you have pets?

These are some tips to keep your home smelling amazing all day.

  1. Use scented candles. Although you can use any type, scented candles smell great and don't overpower the other aromas.
  2. Keep air fresheners on hand. They're inexpensive and can be found at most grocery stores. Simply spray them where people spend most of their time.
  3. Make your own cleaning products. You can make your own cleaners that are safer than those bought at the store. You also know exactly what goes into them.
  4. Make sure to clean often. The less dirty surfaces you have, the easier it is to keep everything else looking its best.
  5. Remember to include plants. Plants help create pleasant scents by absorbing odors from air.
  6. Consider essential oils. These natural fragrances have a wonderful smell and add character to your space.

What is the best product to use when disinfecting your house?

Lysol Disinfectant spray is the best disinfectant for your home. It kills 99.9% germs upon contact. It leaves surfaces clean, fresh-smelling, and kills 99.9% of germs on contact.

What is included in a basic house cleaning?

The most important thing for a home cleaner is to have the right tools. A vacuum cleaner, mop, dustpan, broom, and bucket are all you need. It is worth looking for a second hand carpet sweeper. You don't have any to worry about spillages spreading around your house.

An old tea towel is an option, but not essential. An old tea towel could be used if you have to.

Rubber gloves are a must for deep cleaning. Rubber gloves will protect your hands against splashes and dirt from getting on your fingers.

If you're using chemicals, ensure they are safe for you and your family. Ask your council for help in deciding which products would be best for your community.

You'll also need to have a few cleaning rags, sponges and possibly a spray bottle of disinfectant.

How long should I leave the air conditioner running after cleaning?

After cleaning, leave the air conditioner running for at least 30 seconds. During this time, the air inside the house will circulate, which makes it easier to keep the house cool.


  • The best-paid 10 percent make $34,000, while the lowest-paid 10 percent make $26,000. (zippia.com)
  • Typically, you can charge customers about $90 to clean a house that's less than 1,000 square feet and $250 for a house that's 3,000 square feet or more, according to Home Advisor. (freshbooks.com)
  • You can estimate that payroll taxes will cost 18 percent of your labor cost, according to Cleaning 4 Profit. (freshbooks.com)
  • House cleaners on the lower end of that spectrum, the bottom 10% to be exact, make roughly $21,000 a year, while the top 10% makes $36,000. (zippia.com)

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How To

How to Clean Your Bathroom With Baking Soda

Baking soda is one of those household items that you probably don't think much about until something goes wrong. Baking soda can come to your rescue when things go wrong. Baking soda can be used to clean up water from bathtubs and sinks, remove odors from clothing, and make soap bubbles.

When baking soda is used correctly, it doesn't leave any residue, so you won't have to worry about scrubbing off the odor later. Baking soda is also cheap and easy to find. So if you're looking for a quick fix for a dirty bathroom, try adding some baking soda to your next load of laundry. It will amaze you at how effective it is.

  1. Make sure you've got all the ingredients out and ready to go.
  2. Lay a towel down under the tub or sink.
  3. Put half a cup of baking powder into the tub or basin.
  4. Add enough water for the basin to be covered by a few inches.
  5. Use a spatula for stirring the mixture.
  6. Scrub away! Re-scramble any stubborn spots.
  7. After the basin is clean, add another half cup of baking powder.
  8. Follow steps 3-6.
  9. Rinse the tub and basin with hot running water.
  10. Blot with a fan.
  11. Enjoy!


Tips for Window Cleaning